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I. Registration Statute

1. In order to effectively prevent non-credit partners from abusing the affiliate system of preference provided by Kzing Demo Website, the company’s review department will strictly review the personal information (including name, mailing address and telephone) provided by each affiliate when registering. If after examining found that the affiliate have any unfavorable bad profit attempt, or members having conspiracy with other affiliate to carry out arbitrage and other acts of bad faith, Kzing Demo Website will close the account of the affiliate partner and recover all the commissions and benefits of the affiliate.

2. Those with same IP/ same name/ member with same collections account can only be the downline of a partner, the partner cannot become the downline of himself or other partners. Those with same IP/ same name/ same collections account can only apply for a partner account.

II. Terms of Responsibilities

1. Partner’s Rights and Obligations

1.1 Partners need to be responsible for actively marketing and promoting Kzing Demo Website in order to maximize profits. Partners must conduct positive publicity, sales and promotion of Kzing Demo Website without violating the law. The costs incurred in the publicity, sale and promotion will be borne by the partners.

1.2 Partners must not reproduce without permission, publicize, distribute, including the home page, domain name, logo, statements, game screen, graphic and other relevant information. Moreover, during promotion, partners should protect the benefits of Kzing Demo Website. The partnership shall be terminated immediately upon the discovery of any damage being made to the reputation of the company’s behavior.

2. The rights and obligations of Kzing Demo Website to the partners

2.1 The customer service representative of Kzing Demo Website will help the partners to open account for their downline and observe their betting status. Agents and members are required to agree and comply with Kzing Demo Website membership regulations, policies and procedures. Partners can log on to the management backend at any time to understand its downline member’s account statement.

2.2 Kzing Demo Website reserves the right to refuse or freeze any account of a partner or member.

2.3 In certain cases, after careful review, Kzing Demo Website reserves the right to amend any of the terms of the partnership agreement on its sole discretion. Modifications may include: Commission range, payment procedures, and other regulations. If the partner objected to the amendment, then the partner may terminate the contract. If there are no objection from the partner after the modification, it will be regarded as their acceptance and recognition of the new agreement.

III. Agreement Duration and Termination

1. Duration and Termination

The partnership agreement starts after the successful application of the partner. The partner may terminate this contract at any time, but it must be notified in writing 7 days prior to the termination of the relevant contract, the partner may send the notification by email to: 123@123.com. If the partner violates the partnership agreement, Kzing Demo Website have the right to terminate the contract without notice.

2. Confidential Information

During the execution of the contract, unless it has the written consent of Kzing Demo Website and the use of such confidential documents as when necessary in the future, the partner agrees not to disclose any relevant confidential data of Kzing Demo Website to a third party. It is the obligation of the partner to enforce the confidentiality of confidential documents after the termination of the contract.

3. To Unconditional Terminate the Partnership

If the affiliate advertises the Kzing Demo Website by sending spam in large volume, we will terminate the agreement immediately, and review and freeze the partner account unconditionally. A partner can not make any claim or statement in connection with us, or give any promise, and have no power to bind us under any obligation.

4. Contractor Relationship

If the affiliate advertises the Kzing Demo Website by sending spam in large volume, we will terminate the agreement immediately, and review and freeze the partner account unconditionally. A partner can not make any claim or statement in connection with us, or give any promise, and have no power to bind us under any obligation.

5. Disclaimer

With regard to this partnership, we do not publish any statement that our website will operate without interference nor error. As such, will not be held responsible if problem occurs.

6. Regulations

This agreement will be subject to the laws of the Philippines irregardless of the jurisdiction. Any legal action relating to this agreement must be brought forth to the Philippine government. You acknowledge and conscientiously read this Agreement and agree to all of its rules and conditions, and at any time you acknowledge that you have independently decided on your willingness to participate, and does not rely on any statements, warranties and representations beyond this Agreement. By downloading our promotional articles and by linking your website to our website, you expressly agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

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