Mô hình liên doanh

OK9 Website invites the country’s affiliates to join forces in moving forward, we welcome the industry peers and the public to join us! Kzing Demo Website provides the most advanced cooperation platform hardware facilities and excellent customer service as a bridge for your success, to partner with you in accumulating wealth! We provide a variety of partnership models for us to grow together.

Affiliate Model

Affiliate Model is currently the most popular mode of partnership in the online gaming industry. As long as you have your own promotional resources, including Websites/ Forums/ Union/ QQ group/ media etc., capital investment won’t be needed. It could be done through advertising or sharing of information, sharing of the affiliate link that we will provide you to your like-minded online friends or friends around you to earn a corresponding income. You can receive 35% of company’s net profit every month from the offline membership games (maximum amount is 55%) , thus you can truly reap profits from the comforts of your own home with no risk. So what are you waiting for? Hurry and join us in promoting for our business!

Ứng dụng

Ứng dụng thể thao

Tải xuống plugin chống hack (chỉ hệ thống windows)
Hướng dẫn sử dụng: Nhấp để thực hiện tệp định dạng BAT sau khi tải xuống, hiển thị HOÀN TOÀN nghĩa là thực hiện xong ***Ưu tiên Google DNS